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Peak Solutions for Renewable Energy

Renewa Peak Solutions can help you cut your carbon footprint even further via a whole range of things you can do at home…
Peak Solutions for Renewable Energy

Take control of your energy usage

Energy Storage Assessment:

We evaluate the client's energy needs, usage patterns, and goals to determine the appropriate energy storage solution. We assess the feasibility of integrating energy storage into the existing energy system.

Technology Selection:

We recommend the most suitable energy storage technologies, such as lithium-ion batteries, flow batteries, compressed air energy storage, or thermal energy storage, based on the client's requirements.

Energy Resilience and Backup Solutions:

We design energy storage systems that provide backup power during grid outages to ensure energy resilience.

Smart meter with usage graphs
Enhance grid stability with our energy storage solutions.
Renewa Peak Solutions logotype
Av. de la Toison d'Or 18, 1050 Ixelles, Belgium